345 S Airport Rd.
Traverse City 49686
Phone: 231-492-7323
Email: matthew@northernaccentspainting.com

Interior Painting

Here’s where we begin to bring some of our quality work and finest finishes.

Our average painted trim system consists of at least 3 coat layer and gone as far as 7 coats to give that ultimate dipped finish. We double even quadruple checking our entire trim package for every detail, filling every imperfection and mittered corners. We love using our Festool Systems of sanders from 220 to 320 grit smooth finish and spraying up to 90% of all our work with various sprayers, From airless 208 fine finish tips to hvlp. Very few instances we don’t.

We are also proficient in lacquers, polyurethanes and other clear coating and finishes. Our walls and other custom made furnishings are no different with the same system and outcome. From custom made cabinetry to live edge wood work to even your household doors.

We like to innovate the field by bringing the newest and only best products onto our sites now with new VOC laws there’s a lot to know with how and where to use those products for the highest quality possible.